Category: Fractional CTO

  • Where to Recruit & Hire a Fractional CTO

    Where to Recruit & Hire a Fractional CTO? When considering where and how to hire a fractional CTO, it’s essential to differentiate between role-specific communities, costs, time investment and a couple other factors. How you answer the next couple questions can help determine where to hire a fractional CTO. Are you willing to pay a…

  • What is the Value of a Fractional CTO for Startups and Small Businesses?

    What is the Value of a Fractional CTO for Startups and Small Businesses?

    What is the Value of a Fractional CTO for Startups and Small Businesses? Whether you are a pre-seed startup or just raised your Series B – a Fractional CTO could be a reliable way to bring in expertise to help scale your business. Integrating a fractional CTO can be particularly effective for startups during both…

  • Roles and Responsibilities of a Fractional CTO

    Roles and Responsibilities of a Fractional CTO

    Roles and Responsibilities of a Fractional CTO Startups and growing companies often need high-level tech leadership but can’t afford a full-time Chief Technology Officer (CTO). A Fractional CTO is the perfect solution. They work part-time or on a contract basis, providing crucial tech guidance. This article will explain the roles and responsibilities of a Fractional…